
  • Customs expert / consultant / trainer at CUSTOMS CONFORM IT srl
  • Lecturer at the HEC business school, specializing in tax law and in the fundamentals of customs and excise legislation.
  • Member of the Steering Committee of the Customs & Trade Law Academy, which coordinates training and expertise initiatives at HEC and ULiège, in partnership with Uantwerpen
  • Director of Customspliance aisbl
  • Former AGDA official (marketing, AEO audit, declaration management, controls, customs procedures)

Role in Customspliance

As a former AGDA official, Raphael VAN DE SANDE is responsible for representing the private sector at the Regional Customs Forums of the Liège-Luxembourg Directorate on behalf of the Customs&Trade Law Academy (ULiège). His role is to facilitate exchanges between Customspliance members and regional and national customs authorities.
His operational and training expertise in matters relating to customs systems, customs declarations and customs procedures is made available to Customspliance members through regular meetings and the organization of ad hoc training courses. These are planned and communicated to members, who can attend free of charge.
Finally, as a member of the Customspliance Board of Directors, Raphael VAN DE SANDE takes part in strategy meetings and Steering Committee meetings, the objectives of which are to represent the interests of companies in dealings with the various authorities and institutions involved in customs activities, and to inform members of the latest developments and decisions/proposals emanating from these authorities, so that they can prepare themselves as effectively as possible. In certain cases, internal working groups are set up to prepare a common position or to encourage exchanges between members.

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